Horneburger Pancake

Horneburger Pancake Apple

Apple Description

Large apple, sometimes flattened or irregular.  Delicately colored with pale green and soft pink stripes.  Commonly grown culinary apple in northern Germany.  Sharp flavor.

Juice Analysis

Brix = 12.9

Specific Gravity = 1.052

pH = 3.39

Total Acidity (malic) = 8.7

Total Tannins = 0.13%

Cider Description

Color – Light yellow/gold, mostly clear.

Nose – Dry, woody aroma gives the cider a rustic quality.

Flavor – Medium body.  Medium to high acidity.  Subtle but noticeable bitterness.  Little astringency.  Long, tart finish.

Overall Impression – Makes a pretty good cider, would add some acidity, unique aroma, and subtle bitterness to a blend.

Horneburger Pancake Cider