
Snow Apple

Apple Description

Variable sized apple also known as Fameuse.  Bi-color green and red.  Originated from plantings by French settlers in Quebec.

Juice Analysis

Brix = 11.4

Specific Gravity = 1.046

pH = 3.46

Total Acidity (Malic) = 6.1

Total Tannins = 0.06%

Cider Description

Appearance - Light yellow, mostly clear.  Attractive.

Nose - Mead-like aroma.  Light and a little fruity.

Flavor - Soft mouthfeel and a bit thin.  Mildly tart with some lingering acidity.  Little to no noticeable tannins.

Overall Impression - A light, refreshing cider.  A good cider base with balanced acidity that would blend well with a bittersweet.