Stop the CHC Transmission Line Today!
Do you want giant ugly towers strung together across the Driftless like a poorly conceived tattoo on the landscape that we’ll have to look at for the rest of our lives? Do you want the towers to linger in the memories of visitors to the Driftless, subconsciously diminishing the value of the landscape in their minds? Do you want the path to cut through farms, forests, and sensitive ecosystems that have been there for generations, in many cases forcibly taking land from good people who don’t want to give it up? Would you like the towers to loom in your mind as towering symbols of defeat, sapping you of just a little of the pride you had in the place where you live? Would you as consumers like to be paying for these towers for the next 30 years even when there are more cost effective and aesthetically pleasing options that could deliver better results?

If your answer to all of these questions is no (which it should be), then you should let your voice be heard in opposition to the Cardinal-Hickory Creek transmission line. There are only a couple more opportunities to speak out!
If you want to speak out in person, here are the details on where you can go:
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 – 2:00 p.m. and 6 p.m.
PSC Hearing Room (S105) – 1st Floor
Public Service Commission
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, Wisconsin
Thursday, June 27, 2019 – 2:00 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Banquet Center
Dodger Bowl Lanes
318 King Street
Dodgeville, Wisconsin
If you can’t make it to the hearings, you can still submit written comments. The more the better! Here are your options for written comments:
Web Comment: Go to the Commission’s website at . Web comments must be received no later then Friday, June 28, 2019.
Written Comment. Instead of speaking at one of the hearings above, write out a comment and submit it at the public session.
Mail Comment. All comments submitted by U.S. mail must be received no later then Friday, Jun 28, 2019. A mail comment shall include the phrase “Docket 5-CE-146 Comments” in the heading and should be addressed to:
Docket 5-CE-146
Comments Public Service Commission
P.O. Box 7 854
MadisonWI 53707-7854
If you want to learn more (which you should) here are a couple websites with information for you:
We’re cautiously optimistic that the line might be stopped! Join the opposition today!