When will Brix Cider Open?

Above: Dan packing boxes for our Community Food Delivery program
We get asked this question all the time: “When do you plan to open up Brix Cider again?” It is a very difficult question to answer. We’re a business that is grounded in community. We’ve made a name for ourselves as a music venue and a gathering place for enjoying locally grown food and drink with friends, neighbors, farmers, and family members. We love sharing our food and drink with you and proudly telling you the story behind each meal and each glass of cider. We prefer to do this face to face, but right now, that does not seem like the responsible thing to do.
As a business grounded in community, we need to be respectful of the safety and wellbeing of others. We can’t treat our employees, our customers, and our community as guinea pigs. We believe that for now, the best thing to do is to provide food and drink in ways that minimize risks for all of us, and the best option for us right now is to continue with our Community Food Delivery program and contactless pickup. We will continue to offer a wide range of food options as well as our cider, and we will continue adding new products as the season changes and as different products become available.

Above: Boxes getting filled for our Community Food Delivery program
After having to abandon ship over two months ago, the Community Food Delivery program has been a lifeboat for us, keeping us afloat through a difficult time. We hope to climb back aboard the main ship someday, bail out any water it has taken on, fix any leaks, and sail safely away from this storm. For now, however, we still see potentially ominous clouds on the horizon, and we would like to wait until they pass.
So when will we reopen? The answer is that we don’t really know. Dane County is currently maintaining the Safer at Home order, and we are willingly abiding by it. Should the order be lifted, we might start exploring additional options for safely providing food and drink in other ways, perhaps with some changes to our normal operation. That said, we don’t want to make any premature promises since the future is quite unpredictable. We will wait until we feel we can provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere for our employees and customers alike. Assuming that demand doesn’t drop dramatically, we also expect to continue with our Community Food Delivery program even when we do reopen.

Above: Tanner weighing out locally grown mushrooms
We are truly appreciative of all the customers who have continued to support us and who have in turn supported the farmers and small businesses that we source food and ingredients from. We hope it has been an equally valuable service for all of you. Cheers and stay safe everyone!

Above: Ciders bottled specifically for local delivery and pickup