Community Food Delivery

For locations within 10 miles of Mount Horeb. Minimum order of $30.

For locations within 10 miles of Mount Horeb. Minimum order of $30.

We’ve updated our online marketplace. Click the link below to start shopping.

Why “Community Food Delivery”?

We want our community to be safe, so during this time when it is prudent to stay isolated and limit personal interactions, we are offering Community Food Delivery wherein we will deliver food items to your door if you live within 10 miles of Mount Horeb, WI. You can also choose a pickup option where we bring the food out to your car. Not only will this help to keep our community safe by helping you stay at home, but it will also help us to continue making sales during a time when we are closing our restaurant. This in turn will help us to continue supporting local farmers and producers as well as some of our employees during this challenging time.

How will it work?

You can simply order online before Tuesday at 12:00pm. If you choose delivery, the food will be delivered to you on Thursday. If you choose pickup, you can call 608-437-brix when you arrive, and we will bring the food out to your car. We request that orders be $30 or more.

What food is available?

We are including several items that we normally get from our local farmers, partners, and suppliers, and we are including a few staple items that we assume you might need. We are also including a few pre-cooked foods from Brix and our cider as well!

Farm to Front Door Food and Drink.png

Matt Raboin